Jak na vyhledávací formulář?
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- Člen | 16
zkusim to jeste trosku priblizit:
Do DashboardPresenter.php jsem si dopsal view a tovarnicku pro formular vyhledavani:
/********************* views search *********************/
public function renderSearch()
$form = $this['searchForm'];
if (!$form->isSubmitted()) {
$album = new Albums;
$row = $album->searchAll()->fetch();
if (!$row) {
throw new BadRequestException('Record not found');
protected function createComponentSearchForm()
$form = new AppForm;
$form->addText('artist', 'Artist:')
->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'Please enter an artist.');
$form->addSubmit('search', 'Search')->getControlPrototype()->class('default');
$form->addSubmit('cancel', 'Cancel')->setValidationScope(NULL);
$form->onSubmit[] = callback($this, 'searchFormSubmitted');
$form->addProtection('Please submit this form again (security token has expired).');
return $form;
public function searchFormSubmitted(AppForm $form)
if ($form['search']->isSubmittedBy()) {
$album = new Albums;
Vytvoril jsem si pohled search.phtml upravou default.phtml
{block #content}
<h1>{block #title}My Albums{/block}</h1>
<p>vyhledane alba</p>
<table class="grid">
<th> </th>
{foreach $albums as $album}
<a href="{link edit, $album->id}">Edit</a>
<a href="{link delete, $album->id}">Delete</a>
<p><a href="{link User:default}">Users</a></p>
Vim, ze musim jeste do modelu napsat funkci searchAll, ale nevim, jak na to a jestli nemam neco spatne v tom, co jsem dosud napsal.
Diky moc.