problém instalace NETTE a kdyby/translation

Člen | 532

nainstaloval jsem nette:

composer create-project nette/web-project sandbox

defaultni stranka se zobrazila

pak jsem instaloval kdyby/translation

composer require kdyby/translation

instalace proběhla s těmito upozorněními:

Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Database\Connection" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/database/src/Database/Connection.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Database/Connection.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Database\Drivers\SqlsrvDriver" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/database/src/Database/Drivers/SqlsrvDriver.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Database/Drivers/SqlsrvDriver.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Database\Drivers\PgSqlDriver" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/database/src/Database/Drivers/PgSqlDriver.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Database/Drivers/PgSqlDriver.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Database\Drivers\MsSqlDriver" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/database/src/Database/Drivers/MsSqlDriver.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Database/Drivers/MsSqlDriver.php", the first will be used.

Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\InvalidArgumentException" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/common/exceptions.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/utils/src/exceptions.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\OutOfRangeException" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/common/exceptions.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/utils/src/exceptions.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\UnexpectedValueException" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/common/exceptions.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/utils/src/exceptions.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Localization\ITranslator" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Localization/ITranslator.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/utils/src/compatibility.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Iterators\Mapper" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Iterators/Mapper.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/utils/src/Iterators/Mapper.php", the first will be used.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "Nette\Iterators\CachingIterator" was found in both "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/Iterators/CachingIterator.php" and "/Volumes/........./sandbox/vendor/nette/utils/src/Iterators/CachingIterator.php", the first will be used.
3 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
Found 1 security vulnerability advisory affecting 1 package.
Run "composer audit" for a full list of advisories.

A defaultní stránka už má chybu:

Fatal error: Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved in /Volumes/......./sandbox/vendor/nette/nette/Nette/common/Object.php on line 53
Člen | 313

Jak vypada tvuj composer.json? Vypada to ze se ti nejak povedlo soucasne nainstalovat novou a velmi starou verzi Nette.

Člen | 313

A pokud to je novy projekt asi bych misto kdyby/translation pouzil contributte/translation – je to modernizovana verze kdyby/translation.

Člen | 532

mystik napsal(a):

A pokud to je novy projekt asi bych misto kdyby/translation pouzil contributte/translation – je to modernizovana verze kdyby/translation.

ano novy

Člen | 532

mystik napsal(a):

Jak vypada tvuj composer.json? Vypada to ze se ti nejak povedlo soucasne nainstalovat novou a velmi starou verzi Nette.

	"name": "nette/web-project",
	"description": "Nette: Standard Web Project",
	"keywords": ["nette"],
	"type": "project",
	"license": ["MIT", "BSD-3-Clause", "GPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0"],
	"require": {
		"php": ">= 8.0",
		"nette/application": "^3.1",
		"nette/bootstrap": "^3.2",
		"nette/caching": "^3.2",
		"nette/database": "^3.1",
		"nette/di": "^3.1",
		"nette/forms": "^3.1",
		"nette/http": "^3.2",
		"nette/mail": "^4.0",
		"nette/robot-loader": "^4.0",
		"nette/security": "^3.1",
		"nette/utils": "^4.0",
		"latte/latte": "^3.0",
		"tracy/tracy": "^2.9",
		"kdyby/translation": "*"
	"require-dev": {
		"nette/tester": "^2.4",
		"symfony/thanks": "^1"
	"autoload": {
		"psr-4": {
			"App\\": "app"
	"minimum-stability": "stable",
	"config": {
		"allow-plugins": {
			"symfony/thanks": true
Člen | 313

Tak to je divne proc se ti vubec instaluje nette/nette. Co ti vrati composer why nette/nette

Člen | 8

Děje se to v kombinaci s nette/utils v 4. verzi. Kdyby/translation chce jen verzi 3 a tak composer nainstaluje Kdyby/translation 1.2 a ta chce tuhle prastarou nette/nette a jako bonus přidá 1 vulnerability.

Editoval micmar (10. 12. 2023 2:54)

Generous Backer | 38

Objevuje se ta chyba i když replacneš kdyby/translation za contributte/translation ? Zkoušel jsem upravit ten composer a nette/nette se mi již nenainstalovalo.

Člen | 8

kminekmatej napsal(a):

Objevuje se ta chyba i když replacneš kdyby/translation za contributte/translation ? Zkoušel jsem upravit ten composer a nette/nette se mi již nenainstalovalo.

Contributte je aktualizované a s nette/utils 4.0 funguje v pořádku.