Missing „Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader“ service search
- KristianSubweb
- Člen | 146
Ahojte, chcel by som sa opýtať či mi niekto nevie poradiť. Snažím sa aktualizovať náš projekt a teda chcem ho dostať na Nette 3 s tým že aktuálne projekt beží na Nette 2.4.
Takto vyzerá composer po zmene:
"symfony/translation": "^5.0",
"dg/adminer-custom": "~1.7",
"nette/application": "^3.1",
"nette/bootstrap": "^3.1",
"nette/caching": "^3.1",
"nette/component-model": "^3.0",
"nette/database": "^3.1",
"nette/deprecated": "^3.0",
"nette/di": "^3.0",
"nette/finder": "^2.5",
"nette/forms": "^3.1",
"nette/http": "^3.1",
"nette/mail": "^3.1",
"nette/neon": "^3.1",
"nette/php-generator": "^3.5",
"nette/reflection": "2.4.2",
"nette/robot-loader": "^3.3",
"nette/safe-stream": "2.4.1",
"nette/security": "^3.1",
"nette/tokenizer": "^3.1",
"nette/utils": "3.2.2",
"latte/latte": "^2.9",
"tracy/tracy": "^2.8",
"contributte/translation": "0.8.0",
"contributte/pdf": "6.1",
"doctrine/common": "<3.0.0",
"nettrine/orm": "^0.8",
"doctrine/doctrine-module": "@dev",
"kdyby/forms-replicator" : "2.0.0",
"oro/doctrine-extensions": "dev-master",
"artexe/cachetoken": "dev-master",
"symfony/property-access": "4.4.2",
"nettrine/migrations": "^0.7",
"contributte/recaptcha": "dev-master",
"phpoffice/phpexcel": "1.8.2",
"laravolt/avatar": "4.1.3"
Tým že projekt používal kdyby/doctrine tak som musel zvoliť knižnicu
„nettrine/orm“ tá je akuálne vo verzii 0.7.
Túto knižnicu som pridal do services takto:
#DOCTRINE ORM CONFIG --------------------------------------------------------
autoGenerateProxyClasses: %debugMode%
DefaultModule\Entities: %appDir%/AdminModule/DefaultModule/model/Entities
# App\Model\Database\Entity: %appDir%/model/Database/Entity
table: doctrine_migrations
column: version
directory: %appDir%/Migrations
namespace: Migrations
versionsOrganization: null # null, year, year_and_months
#DOCTRINE ORM CONFIG ///------------------------------------------------------
translation: Contributte\Translation\DI\TranslationExtension
#DOCTRINE ORM -------------------------------------------------------------
nettrine.dbal: Nettrine\DBAL\DI\DbalExtension
nettrine.orm: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmExtension
nettrine.cache: Nettrine\Cache\DI\CacheExtension
nettrine.orm.console: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmConsoleExtension(%consoleMode%)
nettrine.orm.annotations: Nettrine\ORM\DI\OrmAnnotationsExtension
nettrine.annotations: Nettrine\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
nettrine.migrations: Nettrine\Migrations\DI\MigrationsExtension
#DOCTRINE ORM ///----------------------------------------------------------
Ten celý projekt skape na tomto:
Missing „Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader“ service search
Viem že sa niečo podobné riešilo tu ale neviem mne to proste nie a nie
Neriešili ste toto niekto pls, kto my poradí má u mňa pivko :)
- Martk
- Člen | 661
V dokumentaci (https://github.com/…master/.docs#…)
je composer require nettrine/annotations
- Marek Bartoš
- Nette Blogger | 1280
composer require nettrine/annotations
To by mu spadlo už na
nettrine.annotations: Nettrine\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
Missing „Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader“ service search
Myslím, že by ti mělo stačit prohodit pořadí
a nettrine.orm.annotations
, jedno
na druhém závisí.
- KristianSubweb
- Člen | 146
Mabar napsal(a):
composer require nettrine/annotations
To by mu spadlo už na
nettrine.annotations: Nettrine\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
Missing „Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader“ service search
Myslím, že by ti mělo stačit prohodit pořadí
, jedno na druhém závisí.
Joooj ďakujem moc pekne! Zabralo to prehodenie poradia. Máš u mňa pivečko!