Nastaveni translatoru sablonam automaticky
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zdravim ,
pokousim se toto
create: Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\TemplateFactory
autowired: false
latte.templateFactory: TempTranslatorFactory (@oldTemplateFactory)
use Nette\Application\UI\ITemplateFactory,
class TempTranslatorFactory implements ITemplateFactory
private $templateFactory;
private $translator;
public function __construct(ITemplateFactory $templateFactory, Translator $translator)
$this->templateFactory = $templateFactory;
$this->translator = $translator;
function createTemplate(Control $control = null): ITemplate
$template = $this->templateFactory->createTemplate($control);
return $template;
predelat do extension , mam to takhle
class Extension extends CompilerExtension {
public function loadConfiguration() {
$builder = $this->getContainerBuilder();
->setFactory(TempTranslatorFactory::class,['@oldTemplateFactory','@translator' ]);
Asi delam neco blbe porad mi to pise
Service 'application.1' (type of Admin\Presenter\FilePresenter): Multiple services of type Nette\Application\UI\ITemplateFactory found: latte.templateFactory, newlatteFactory. If you want to overwrite service latte.templateFactory, give it proper name. (needed by $templateFactory in Nette\Application\UI\Presenter::injectPrimary())
kdyz to udelam prez neon tak to funguje
Editoval dehtak (1. 5. 2020 22:12)
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- Člen | 113
vyreseno, diky za odpovedi !!
public function beforeCompile(): void {
$builder = $this->getContainerBuilder();
$tempDefinition = $builder->addDefinition('oldTemplateFactory');
->setFactory(TempTranslatorFactory::class,['@oldTemplateFactory','@translator' ])->setAutowired(TRUE);
Nevim proc ale ted to funguje