Doctrine – nekompatibilita návratových hodnôt proxy a entít
- Failips
- Člen | 54
nemá niekto skúsenosti s touto chybou?
Declaration of Nettrine\Proxy\__CG__\Ais\Entities\Segment::__isset($name) must be compatible with Ais\Entities\AbstractEntity::__isset(string $name): bool
Composer vyzerá nasledovne:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"nettrine/orm": "dev-master",
"nettrine/dbal": "dev-master as 0.3.0",
"php": "^7.2",
"nette/forms": "^3.0",
"nette/di": "^3.0",
"nette/nette": "^3.0",
"nette/reflection": "^2.4",
"ocramius/proxy-manager": "^2.2",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.3",
"krustnic/docx-merge": "^1.0",
"phpdocx/phpdocx": "^5.0",
"ublaboo/datagrid": "^6.0"
Pripomína mi to túto chybu , ktorá bude riešená v Doctrine 3.0 a ktovie kedy bude Nettrine/ORM kompatibilná s touto verziou. Nemáte teda niekto spôsob ako túto chybu obísť/vyriešiť?