Kdyby/Replicator pridávanie a mazanie formulárových prvkov ( AJAX Nette )
- KristianSubweb
- Člen | 146
Ahojte mám problém s ktorým nie a nie pohnúť. Tak mám formulár kde určitu skupinu inputov chcem replikovať a to tak že akcia je naviazaná na button a odosielaná je cez nette ajax. Lenže celé to padá do nasledovného erroru.
Error message:
ErrorException: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in
V latte to vyzerá nasledovne:
{form addInForm}
{control renderFormInput $form['number']}
{control renderFormInput $form['name']}
{control renderFormInput $form['vs']}
{snippet dynamicInformation}
{foreach $form['inItems']->getContainers() as $componentId => $component}
<div class="form-group-sm">
{input inItems-$componentId-tax class => "form-control tax"}
<div class="form-group-sm">
{input inItems-$componentId-price class => "form-control price"}
{if $iterator->isLast()}
<button n:name="inItems-add" class="btn btn-sm btn-default ajax">+</button>
class InFormFactory extends DynamicFormFactory {
public function getForm() {
$currencies = InDefaultValues::getCurrencies();
$ks = InDefaultValues::getConstantSymbols();
$paymentForm = InDefaultValues::getPaymentForms();
$contact = $this->user->getEntity()->getContact();
$form = $this->translatedFormFactory->create();
$form->addText("number", "in.number");
$form->addText("name", "in.name");
$form->addText("vs", "in.vs");
return $form;
private function addDynamicItems(Form $form, $tax, $defaultCount = 0) {
$items = $form->addDynamic("inItems", function(Container $item) use($tax, $unitTypes) {
// item things
$item->addText("price")->setAttribute("value", 0.00);
$item->addText("tax")->setAttribute("value", $ta
// delete
$item->addSubmit("delete", "")
->onClick[] = [$this, "deleteComponent"];
}, $defaultCount);
$items->addSubmit('add', '')
->onClick[] = [$this, 'addComponent'];
A Extendujem DynamicFormFactory:
namespace DefaultModule\Factories;
use Nette\Forms\Controls;
use Nette\SmartObject;
abstract class DynamicFormFactory {
use SmartObject;
* Adds next container into specified component
* @param Controls\SubmitButton $button
public function addComponent(Controls\SubmitButton $button) {
* Deletes container if it has more than 1 container in component
* @param Controls\SubmitButton $button
* @param int $numberOfComponents 99% it has container and add component so default value is 2
public function deleteComponent(Controls\SubmitButton $button, $numberOfComponents = 2)
// first parent is container
// second parent is it's replicator
$replicator = $button->getParent()->getParent();
if (count($replicator->getComponents()) > $numberOfComponents) {
$replicator->remove($button->getParent(), TRUE);
} else {
$replicator->remove($button->getParent(), TRUE);
public function createComponentAddInForm() {
$form = $this->inFormFactory->createAddForm($this, $this->getParameter("insid"), $this->getParameter("id"));
$form->onSuccess[] = function() use($form) {
if ($this->isAjax()) {
if ($form["submit"]->isSubmittedBy()) {
if ($this->inFormFactory->resultOfForm) {
$this->flashMessage("in.sucAdded", "success");
return $form;
Hádam ste už niekto niečo podobné riešil.Vopred Vám ďakujem.
Editoval KristianSubweb (7. 8. 2018 11:58)