Doctrine – select cez ManyToMany väzbu

Člen | 471


v Nette začínam s Doctrine (Kdyby), namapoval som si entity a teraz sa hrám s väzbami, pričom som narazil na problém pri vyťahovaní entít pomocou väzby ManyToMany.

Mám entitu Product a Section a medzi nimi obojsmernú väzbu:

 * @Entity
 * @Table(name="catalog_sections")
class Section
     * @ManyToMany(targetEntity="Product", mappedBy="sections", fetch="LAZY")
     * @var ArrayCollection
    protected $products;

 * @Entity
 * @Table(name="catalog_products")
class Product extends Shoppable
     * @ManyToMany(targetEntity="Section", inversedBy="products", fetch="LAZY")
     * @JoinTable(name="catalog_products_sections")
     * @var ArrayCollection
    protected $sections;

Shoppable je abstraktná trieda, mám viac druhov entít, ktoré ju dedia, myslím, že v tomto prípade nie je podstatná…

K entitám mám fasádu, kde sa snažím vytiahnuť iba Product-y, ktoré majú väzbu na vybrané Section-y. Keď na to napíšem priamo DQL dotaz, funguje to podľa mojich predstáv

    public function findProductsBySections(array $sections_ids = [])
        $sections = [];
        foreach($sections_ids as $section_id) {
            if(is_numeric($section_id)) {
                $section = $this->sectionRepository->find($section_id);
                if($section instanceof Section) {
                    $sections[] = $section;
        $query = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
            ->from(Product::class, "p")
            ->leftJoin("p.sections", "s")
            ->where(" IN (:xxx)")
            ->setParameter("xxx", $sections)
        $this->resultset = new ResultSet($query);
        return $this->resultset->toArray();

Ale nejde mi to, ak sa to snažím vytiahnuť z Repository pomocou Criteria:

    public function findProductsBySections(array $sections_ids = [])
        $sections = [];
        foreach($sections_ids as $section_id) {
            if(is_numeric($section_id)) {
                $section = $this->sectionRepository->find($section_id);
                if($section instanceof Section) {
                    $sections[] = $section;
        $criteria = Criteria::create();
        $criteria->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->in("sections", $sections));
        return $this->productRepository->matching($criteria);

Dostávam z toho chybu:

An exception occurred while executing
'SELECT AS id_2, t1.price_amount AS price_amount_3, t1.price_currency AS price_currency_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.ean AS ean_6, AS name_7, t0.title AS title_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.keywords AS keywords_10, t0.content AS content_11, t0.count_views AS count_views_12, t0.count_buys AS count_buys_13, t0.created_at AS created_at_14, t0.modified_at AS modified_at_15, t0.published_at AS published_at_16, t0.hidden AS hidden_17, t0.deleted AS deleted_18, t0.flag_new AS flag_new_19, t0.flag_tip AS flag_tip_20, t0.flag_action AS flag_action_21, t0.flag_sale AS flag_sale_22, t1.entity
FROM catalog_products t0
INNER JOIN ecommerce_shoppable t1 ON =
WHERE catalog_products_sections.section_id IN (?)' with params [12]:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'catalog_products_sections.section_id' in 'where clause'

Robím niečo zle, alebo to Doktrína proste nedá a musím kvôli tomu znásilňovať DQL??

Ďakujem za nakopnutie…

Editoval MajklNajt (6. 2. 2018 14:14)