Vlastni makra po migraci z 2.1.9 na 2.2.2

Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
Člen | 79

Ahojte. Rad bych pozadal o pomoc. Migruji z 2.1.9 na 2.2.2

Vlastni makra v 2.1.9 registruji viz nize. Toto pod starsi verzi funguje:

File: MyMacros

use Nette\Latte\Macros\MacroSet;
use Nette\Latte\Compiler;
use Nette\Latte\MacroNode;
use Nette\Latte\PhpWriter;

class MyMacros extends MacroSet
	public static function install(Compiler $compiler)
		$me = new static($compiler);
		$me->addMacro('partial', array($me, 'macroPartial'));

	public function macroPartial(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
		$code = $writer->write(
			'Nette\Latte\Macros\CoreMacros::includeTemplate($presenter->findPartialTemplateFile(%node.word), %node.array? + $template->getParameters(), $_l->templates[%var])',

		if ($node->modifiers) {
			return $writer->write('echo %modify(%raw->__toString(TRUE))', $code);
		} else {
			return $code . '->render()';

S verzi 2.2 nove zacilim soubor s vlastnimi makry skrze neon viz nize:

            - MyApp\Templating\Latte\MyMacros

Soubor s vlastnimi makry nove vypada takto (s opravenymi jmennymi prostory):

File: MyMacros

use Latte\Macros\MacroSet;
use Latte\Compiler;
use Latte\MacroNode;
use Latte\PhpWriter;

class MyMacros extends MacroSet
	public static function install(Compiler $compiler)
		$me = new static($compiler);
		$me->addMacro('partial', array($me, 'macroPartial'));

	public function macroPartial(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
		$code = $writer->write(
			'\Latte\Macros\CoreMacros::includeTemplate($presenter->findPartialTemplateFile(%node.word), %node.array? + $template->getParameters(), $_l->templates[%var])',

		if ($node->modifiers) {
			return $writer->write('echo %modify(%raw->__toString(TRUE))', $code);
		} else {
			return $code . '->render()';

Generuje se vsak error:

Fatal Error – Call to undefined method Latte\Macros\CoreMacros::includeTemplate()

Jde o to, ze nyni partial macro odkazuje na jiz neexistujici funkcni CoreMacros::includeTemplate(…) , ktera se do 2.2 nedostala. Existuje neco podobneho od verze 2.2?

Pokusil jsem se o nahradu viz nize:

File: MyMacros

use Latte\Macros\MacroSet;
use Latte\Compiler;
use Latte\MacroNode;
use Latte\PhpWriter;

class MyMacros extends MacroSet
	public static function install(Compiler $compiler)
		$me = new static($compiler);
		$me->addMacro('partial', array($me, 'macroPartial'));

	public function macroPartial(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
		$code = $writer->write(
			'\MyApp\Templating\Latte\MyMacros::includeTemplate($presenter->findPartialTemplateFile(%node.word), %node.array? + $template->getParameters(), $_l->templates[%var])',

		if ($node->modifiers) {
			return $writer->write('echo %modify(%raw->__toString(TRUE))', $code);
		} else {
			return $code . '->render()';

      * Substitute for the missing function since 2.2
	public static function includeTemplate($destination, array $params)
		$tpl = new \Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template(new \Latte\Engine);

		return $tpl;

Castecne pomohlo, ale neni pouzitelne, jelikoz reseni ocividne nedetekuje defaultni Nette macra:

User Error – Exception in Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template::__toString(): Unknown macro {link} in …/partials/file.latte:31 in /var/www/html/…

Rad bych pozadal o nakopnuti spravnym smerem? V 2.2 dokumentaci se mi nedari nic podobneho dohledat.

Editoval DavidTheNewbie (12. 2. 2017 12:43)

David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

staci se inspirovat u include makra: https://github.com/…reMacros.php#L207

Člen | 79

David Matějka napsal(a):

staci se inspirovat u include makra: https://github.com/…reMacros.php#L207

Dekuju. Co prosim znamena to magicke $_b->templates[%var]?

Editoval DavidTheNewbie (12. 2. 2017 18:35)