Kdyby Replicator – smazání položky

Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
Člen | 5

Špatné renderování smazaných položek. První se smaže, další zůstanou ale jen s prázdnými textovými poli, nepochopil jsem proč. Viz zdroják celé komponenty.
V šabloně je formulář vypsán přes {control…

public function __construct(User $user, \Kdyby\Doctrine\EntityManager $entityManager, $surveyId, $tagRepo) {
		parent::__construct($user, $entityManager);
		$this->survey = $this->em->find(Survey::class, $surveyId);
		$this->questions = $this->survey->getQuestions();
		$this->tagRepo = $tagRepo;
		$this->tags = $this->tagRepo->findAllArray();

	public function render() {
		$template = $this->template;
        $exists = dirName(__FILE__)

		$template->survey = $this->survey;
		$template->questions = $this->questions;
		$template->tags = json_encode($this->tags);


	private function setDefaults() {
		foreach ($this->questions as $k => $q) {

	public function createComponentSurveyForm() {
		$form = new Form;
		$form->addText('positionName', 'Name:')
				->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'The name was not filled in')
				->setAttribute('placeholder', 'The name of the position')
		$form->addText('positionDescription', 'Description:')
				->addRule(Form::FILLED, 'The description was not filled in')

		$questions = array();
		foreach ($this->questions as $q) {
			$questions[$q->getId()] = $q->getText();

		$removeQuestionEvent = callback($this, 'credentialsFormRemoveQuestionClicked');
		$questionsContainer = $form->addDynamic('questions', function(Container $container) use ($removeQuestionEvent, $questions) {
			$container->addText('text', 'Question', $questions)
					->setRequired('Fill the empty questions.');
			$container->addText('points', 'Points', $questions)
					->setRequired('Fill the points of a question.');

			$container->addText('tag', 'Tag', $questions)
					->setRequired('Fill a tag.');

			$container->addSubmit('removeQuestion', 'Remove question')
					->onClick[] = $removeQuestionEvent;

		$questionsContainer->addSubmit('addQuestion', 'Add question')
				->onClick[] = callback($this, 'credentialsFormAddQuestionClicked');

		$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');

		$form->onSuccess[] = $this->processSurveyForm;

		return $form;

	 * Add new question
	 * @param \Nette\Forms\Controls\SubmitButton $button
	public function credentialsFormAddQuestionClicked(SubmitButton $button) {

	 * Removing questions
	 * @param \Nette\Forms\Controls\SubmitButton $button
	public function credentialsFormRemoveQuestionClicked(SubmitButton $button) {
		$questions = $button->parent->parent;
		$questions->remove($button->parent, TRUE);

	public function processSurveyForm(Form $form) {
		//removeQuestion a addQuestion spousteji processSurveyForm
		if($form->submitted === $form['submit']) {
			$values = $form->getValues();

			if ($this->survey->getType() === 'template') {
				$survey = new Survey();
			else {
				$survey = $this->survey;

			$idsQuestions = array_map(function($array) {
				return $array->id;
			}, (array) $values->questions);

			foreach ($survey->getQuestions() as $q) {

			foreach ($values->questions as $questionInput) {
				if (is_numeric($questionInput->id)) {
					$question = $this->em->find(Question::class, $questionInput->id);
					$tag = $this->tagRepo->findOneBy(array('name' => $questionInput->tag));
					if (!$tag) {
						$tag = new Tag();
				} else {
					$question = new Question();
					$tag = $this->tagRepo->findOneBy(array('name' => $questionInput->tag));
					if (!$tag) {
						$tag = new Tag();


			if ($this->survey->getType() === 'template') {
				$this->presenter->redirect('questionnaire', $survey->getId());
			} else {