related() problem v latte : Call to a member function related() on a non-object
- blueticket
- Člen | 41
Dobry den,
snazim se udelat sablonu s komentama pro timeline. Timeline row zobrazuji a vse funguje naderne. Jenomze kdyz se pokusim zobrazit komentare ke kazdemu eventu pres related() dostanu chybu:
Call to a member function related() on a non-object
takhle vypada sablona (zjednodusene):
{foreach $timeline_rows as $row}
{snippet areaComments}
{snippet comment-$row->id}
{foreach $row->related("tbl_comments.timeline_id") as $row_comments}
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="padding:5px 0px 5px 0px;border-top:#EDEBE4 1px solid;">
<img class="user-block-thumb" src="img/dog1.jpg"/>
<span class="notification-item-header text-uppercase"><a n:href="" style="color:#a5987f;">Viktorij Dogshow</a></span>
<span class="notification-item-event-time">{$row_comments->comment_date_time|date:'%d.%m.%Y'}</span>
<span class="notification-item-event" style="color:black">{$row_comments->comment}</span>
A takle plnim timeline_rows v presenteru:
// Data model
function getTimeline($id = 0) {
$rows = NULL;
if ($id == 0)
$rows = $this->database->query("SELECT tbl_timeline.*, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT owner_profile_picture FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id), (SELECT kennel_profile_picture FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_profile_image, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT concat(,' ',tbl_user.surname) as timeline_name FROM tbl_user WHERE user_id FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id)), (SELECT kennel_name FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_name FROM tbl_timeline order by `date` DESC");
$rows = $this->database->query("SELECT tbl_timeline.*, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT owner_profile_picture FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id), (SELECT kennel_profile_picture FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_profile_image, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT concat(,' ',tbl_user.surname) as timeline_name FROM tbl_user WHERE user_id FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id)), (SELECT kennel_name FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_name FROM tbl_timeline where profile_id = ? order by `date` DESC", $id);
return $rows;
// Presenter:
$this->template->timeline_rows = $this->data_model->getTimeline($id);
Muzete mi prosim poradit, co zas delam blbe?
Dik moc
- David Matějka
- Moderator | 6445
Ajo uz to vidim.. jelikoz pouzivas normalni sql a nevyuzivas NDBT
), tak related nebude fungovat.
- blueticket
- Člen | 41
dokud vymyslim neco jineho, tak jsem predelal DataModel funkci, ktera vraci timeline rows, docasne tak, ze generuji temp tabulku, ale vysledek je porad stejny :( . Pro jistotu prikladam opet kody modelu controleru a template.
Fakt dekuju moc
Kod z DataModelu
function getTimeline($id = 0) {
$rows = NULL;
$table = "tbl_" . rand(100000000, 999999999);
if ($id == 0)
$this->database->query("CREATE TABLE $table SELECT tbl_timeline.*, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT owner_profile_picture FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id), (SELECT kennel_profile_picture FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_profile_image, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT concat(,' ',tbl_user.surname) as timeline_name FROM tbl_user WHERE user_id FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id)), (SELECT kennel_name FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_name FROM tbl_timeline order by `date` DESC");
$this->database->query("CREATE TABLE $table SELECT tbl_timeline.*, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT owner_profile_picture FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id), (SELECT kennel_profile_picture FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_profile_image, (IF(tbl_timeline.profile_id>=300000000,(SELECT concat(,' ',tbl_user.surname) as timeline_name FROM tbl_user WHERE user_id FROM tbl_userowner WHERE id=tbl_timeline.profile_id)), (SELECT kennel_name FROM tbl_userkennel WHERE as timeline_name FROM tbl_timeline where profile_id = ? order by `date` DESC", $id);
$this->database->query("ALTER TABLE $table ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`)");
$rows = $this->database->table($table);
//$this->database->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table");
return $rows;
Kod v presenteru :
$this->template->timeline_rows = $this->data_model->getTimeline($id);
Kod sablony
{foreach $timeline_rows as $row}
{snippet areaComments}
{foreach $row->related("tbl_comments.timeline_id") as $row_comments}
{snippet comment-$row->id}
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="padding:5px 0px 5px 0px;border-top:#EDEBE4 1px solid;">
<img class="user-block-thumb" src="img/dog1.jpg"/>
<span class="notification-item-header text-uppercase"><a n:href="" style="color:#a5987f;">Viktorij Dogshow</a></span>
<span class="notification-item-event-time">{$row_comments->comment_date_time|date:'%d.%m.%Y'}</span>
<span class="notification-item-event" style="color:black">{$row_comments->comment}</span>
Nemuze byt problem v tom prenaseni $rows DataModel ⇒ Presenter ⇒ View?
- blueticket
- Člen | 41
takze funguje to, jen ten foreach nemuze byt soucasti zadneho snippetu.
Editoval blueticket (11. 8. 2015 14:53)