Testování handle metody v komponentě
Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
- tttpapi
- Člen | 100
Mám komponentu pro vrácení smazaného zboží do košíku
public function handleReturn($id)
if (!isset($this->section->deleted[$id]) || isset($this->section->books[$id]))
$this->template->deleted = $this->section->deleted;
Kód sám o sobě není ani tak důležitý. V aplikaci vše funguje.
Pokud však pustím test, tak mi
$this->shoppingCartList->handleReturn(3); skončí
-- FAILED: nette\tests\ShoppingCartListTest.phpt [method=testRemoveAndReturn]
Exited with error code 255 (expected 0)
Nette\InvalidStateException: Component '' is not attached to 'Nette\Applicat
in src\ComponentModel\Component.php(80)
in Application\UI\PresenterComponent.php(38) Nette\ComponentModel\Component-
in Application\UI\Control.php(67) Nette\Application\UI\PresenterComponent->g
in Application\UI\Control.php(51) Nette\Application\UI\Control->createTempla
in src\Utils\ObjectMixin.php(139) Nette\Application\UI\Control->getTemplate(
in src\Utils\Object.php(125) Nette\Utils\ObjectMixin::get()
in component\ShoppingCart\ShoppingCartList.php(147) Nette\Object->__get()
in nette\tests\ShoppingCartListTest.phpt(58) App\Component\ShoppingCartList-
in [internal function]ShoppingCartListTest->testRemoveAndReturn()
in src\Framework\TestCase.php(130) call_user_func_array()
in src\Framework\TestCase.php(113) Tester\TestCase->runTest()
in src\Framework\TestCase.php(51) Tester\TestCase->runMethod()
in nette\tests\ShoppingCartListTest.phpt(250) Tester\TestCase->run()
Test vypadá následovně:
* @testCase ShoppingCartListTest
use App\Component\ShoppingCartList;
use Tester\Assert;
$container = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap.php';
class ShoppingCartListTest extends Tester\TestCase
public $shoppingCartList;
public $session;
public function __construct(\Nette\Http\Session $session)
$this->session = $session;
public function setUp()
/* nastaveni prostredi pro testovani */
$this->shoppingCartList = new ShoppingCartList($this->session);
public function tearDown()
/* uvolneni prostredku */
$this->shoppingCartList = NULL;
$this->session = NULL;
public function testRemoveAndReturn()
$sessionSection = $this->session->getSection('ShoppingCart');
/* Vytvoreni 3 knih, kazda cena 100. */
$sessionSection->books = $this->createTestArray(3, 100);
$sessionSection->deleted = array();
$sessionSection->price = $this->shoppingCartList->getFinalPrice();
/* Pocatecni hodnoty. */
Assert::count(3, $sessionSection->books);
Assert::count(0, $sessionSection->deleted);
Assert::equal(300, $sessionSection->price['finalPrice']);
Assert::equal(330, $sessionSection->price['finalPriceDph']);
/* Vraceni knihy, ktera nebyla smazana nic neudela. */
/* Vytvoreni testovaciho pole pro naplneni kosiku knihami. */
private function createTestArray($count = 0, $price = 100)
$books = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++)
$books[$i] = $this->createTestBook($i, $price);
return $books;
/* Vytvoreni testovaci knihy. */
private function createTestBook($id = 1, $price = 100, $stock = 3, $count = 1, $title = '', $availability = 'Skladem', $author = 'Bušek I., Calda E.', $img = '/nette/www/img/illust/product-xsmall.jpg', $formats = array('pdf' => true, 'epub' => true, 'mobi' => true), $cover = 'Pevná vazba')
$bookData = new \stdClass();
$bookData->id = $id;
$bookData->title = !empty($title) ? $title : "{$id}. kniha";
$bookData->availability = $availability;
$bookData->stock = $stock;
$bookData->price = $price;
$bookData->count = $count;
$bookData->author = $author;
$bookData->img = $img;
$bookData->cover = $cover;
if (isset($formats))
$bookData->formats = $formats;
$book = new \App\Model\DAO\Book($bookData);
return $book;
$testCase = new ShoppingCartListTest($container->getService('session'));