Jak zjistit presne ktery service chybi v configu
Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
- David Matějka
- Moderator | 6445
Tam snad musi byt nejaky text chyby, ukaz screen ladenky, pripadne celou ladenku
- vosy
- Člen | 532
Source File
118: /** @internal */
119: private static function checkType($class, $name, $type, $container)
120: {
121: $rc = PhpReflection::getDeclaringClass(new \ReflectionProperty($class, $name));
122: $fullname = $rc->getName() . '::$' . $name;
123: if (!$type) {
124: throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Property $fullname has no @var annotation.");
125: } elseif (!class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type)) {
126: throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Class or interface '$type' used in @var annotation at $fullname not found. Check annotation and 'use' statements.");
127: } elseif (!$container->getByType($type, FALSE)) {
128: throw new ServiceCreationException("Service of type {$type} used in @var annotation at $fullname not found. Did you register it in configuration file?");
129: }
130: }
132: }
ErrorException #01
message protected => "Class 'Nette\DI\Extensions\ServiceCreationException' not found"
string private => ""
code protected => 0
file protected => "/Volumes/WORKS/SBD MIR/web/2015/web-project/vendor/nette/di/src/DI/Extensions/InjectExtension.php"
line protected => 128
trace private => array (1)
0 => array (4)
function => "shutdownHandler"
class => "Tracy\Debugger"
type => "::"
args => array ()
previous private => NULL
severity protected => 1