CRON + latte + texy vyžaduje prihlásenie
Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
- Čamo
- Člen | 798
Ako to myslíš? Keď ten helper odstránim tak to funguje. Ani ten
$invalidLinkmode tam už tiež nemám.
Nechápem vôbec prečo sa to deje. Keď to spustím normálne cez http, tak
funguje aj s tým helperom. Ale cez príkazový riadok to neprejde. Keby to
aspoň dávalo nejaký zmysel…
- Čamo
- Člen | 798
Našiel som toto ale ja som to ešte nepozeral:
namespace WT\Helpers;
use Nette\Object,
* @property-read \Texy $texy
* @property Nette\Application\UI\Control
* @property bool $safe
class Texy extends Object
/** @var Nette\DI\Container */
protected $context;
/** @var Nette\Application\Control */
protected $control;
* @param Nette\DI\Container
public function __construct(Container $context)
$this->context = $context;
* @param Nette\Application\UI\Control
* @return WT\Helpers\Texy
public function setControl(Control $control)
$this->control = $control;
return $this;
* @return Nette\Application\UI\Control
public function getControl()
return $this->control;
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
public function process($string, $safe = false)
static $texy;
$context = $this->context;
$control = $this->control;
if ($texy === NULL) {
$baseUrl = $context->httpRequest->url->baseUrl;
$texy = new \Texy();
$texy::$advertisingNotice = false;
// task references
$texy->addHandler('newReference', function ($parser, $ref) use ($context, $control) {
if (!$control || !is_numeric($ref)) {
return false;
$mode = $control->isLinkCurrent('Tickets:*') ? 'ticket' : 'task';
$cache = new Cache($context->cacheStorage, 'WT.Helpers.Texy.' . ucfirst($mode) .'Reference');
if (isset($cache[$ref])) {
$data = $cache[$ref];
} else {
$model = $context->database->table($mode)
->select('id,name' . ($mode == 'ticket' ? ',customer_id' : NULL))
->where('id', (int) $ref)
if ($model) {
$data = array('id' => $model->id, 'name' => $model->name, 'prefix' => ($mode == 'ticket' && $model->customer_id ? $model->customer->prefix : NULL));
} else {
$data = false;
$cache->save($ref, $data, array(Cache::EXPIRE => '+1 week'));
if (!$data) {
return false;
$el = \TexyHtml::el('a');
$el->attrs['href'] = $control->link(ucfirst($mode) . 's:detail', $ref);
$el->attrs['class'][] = 'ref-task';
$el->attrs['title'][] = $data['id'] . ' - ' . $data['name'];
$el->setText("[" . (isset($data['prefix']) ? $data['prefix'] . "\xE2\x80\x91" : NULL) . $ref . "]");
return $el;
$texy->htmlOutputModule->baseIndent = 0;
$texy->htmlOutputModule->lineWrap = false;
$texy->htmlOutputModule->removeOptional = false;
// headings
$texy->allowed['heading/surrounded'] = true;
$texy->allowed['heading/underlined'] = true;
$texy->headingModule->top = 2;
// horizontal line
$texy->allowed['horizline'] = true;
// HTML code
$texy->allowed['html/tag'] = true;
$texy->allowed['html/comment'] = false;
// images
$texy->allowed['image'] = true;
$texy->allowed['image/definition'] = false;
$texy->imageModule->root = $baseUrl . 'images';
$texy->imageModule->linkedRoot = WWW_DIR . 'images';
$texy->imageModule->leftClass ='left';
$texy->imageModule->rightClass = 'right';
// links
$texy->allowed['link/definition'] = true;
$texy->allowed['link/reference'] = true;
$texy->allowed['link/url'] = true;
$texy->allowed['link/email'] = true;
$texy->linkModule->forceNoFollow = false;
// lists
$texy->allowed['list'] = true;
$texy->allowed['list/definition'] = true;
// split long words
$texy->allowed['longwords'] = true;
$texy->longWordsModule->wordLimit = 20;
// tables
$texy->allowed['table/definition'] = false;
// typography
$texy->allowed['typography'] = true;
$texy->typographyModule->locale = $context->parameters['lang'];
// emoticons
$texy->allowed['emoticon'] = true;
$texy->emoticonModule->root = $baseUrl . 'css/images/emoticons';
$texy->emoticonModule->fileRoot = WWW_DIR . '/css/images/emoticons';
$texy->emoticonModule->icons = array(
':-)' => 'smile.png', ':)' => 'smile.png',
':-(' => 'unhappy.png', ':(' => 'unhappy.png',
';-)' => 'wink.png', ';)' => 'wink.png',
':-D' => 'grin.png', ':D' => 'grin.png',
':-P' => 'tongue.png', ':P' => 'tongue.png',
':-O' => 'surprised.png', ':O' => 'surprised.png'
// user scripts
$texy->allowed['script'] = false;
if ($safe) {
return $texy->process($string, false);