Component with name ‚SignInForm‘ does not exist

Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
Člen | 131

Ahojte, dostávam error
Component with name ‚SignInForm‘ does not exist

Ono je to vcelku vymluvne ale stejne nechapu moc kde mam chybu,

moj Base Presenter:


 * Base presenter for all application presenters.
abstract class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
    public function createComponentSignInForm ()
		$form = new UI\Form;
		$form->addText('username', 'Username:')
			->setRequired('Please enter your username.');

		$form->addPassword('password', 'Password:')
			->setRequired('Please enter your password.');

		$form->addCheckbox('remember', 'Keep me signed in');

		$form->addSubmit('send', 'Sign in');

		// call method signInFormSucceeded() on success
		$form->onSuccess[] = $this->signInFormSucceeded;
		return $form;

	public function signInFormSucceeded($form)
		$values = $form->getValues();

		if ($values->remember) {
			$this->getUser()->setExpiration('14 days', FALSE);
		} else {
			$this->getUser()->setExpiration('20 minutes', TRUE);

		try {
			$this->getUser()->login($values->username, $values->password);

		} catch (Nette\Security\AuthenticationException $e) {

	public function actionOut()
		$this->flashMessage('You have been signed out.');

a môj banned presenter:


use Nette\Application\UI\Form;

class BannedPresenter extends BasePresenter
	/** @var AlbumRepository */
	private $banned;

	/** @persistent */
	public $search='';

	public function inject(Banned $banned)
		$this->banned = $banned;

	protected function startup()

	public function LoggedUser()
		if (!$this->user->isLoggedIn()) {
			if ($this->user->logoutReason === Nette\Http\UserStorage::INACTIVITY) {
				$this->flashMessage('Bol si odhlasený.');
			$this->redirect('banned', array('backlink' => $this->storeRequest()));

	/********************* view default *********************/

	public function renderDefault()
		$this->template->banned = $this->banned->findAll()->order('id')->order('admin');
		$vp = new VisualPaginator($this, 'vp');
		$paginator = $vp->getPaginator();
		$paginator->itemsPerPage = 20;
		$paginator->itemCount = $this->template->banned->count('*');
		$searchWord = $this->search;
		if (!$searchWord){
		$this->template->banned = $this->banned->findAll()->order('id, admin')->limit($paginator->itemsPerPage,$paginator->offset);
		} else { $this->template->banned = $this->banned->findAll()->select('*')->where("name LIKE ?", "%$searchWord%"); }

	/********************* views add & edit *********************/

	public function renderAdd()
		$this['albumForm']['save']->caption = 'Add';
		//$this['searchForm']['search']->caption = 'Hľadať';

	public function renderEdit($id = 0)
		$form = $this['albumForm'];
		if (!$form->isSubmitted()) {
			$banned = $this->banned->findById($id);
			if (!$banned) {
				$this->error('Record not found');

	/********************* view delete *********************/

	public function renderDelete($id = 0)
		$this->template->banned = $this->banned->findById($id);
		if (!$this->template->banned) {
			$this->error('Record not found');

	/********************* component factories *********************/

	 * Edit form factory.
	 * @return Form
	protected function createComponentAlbumForm()
		$form = new Form;
		$form->addText('name', 'Zabanovany:')
			->setRequired('Vlozte nick zabanovaneho hraca.');

		$form->addText('reason', 'Dovod:')
			->setRequired('Prosim vlozte dovod banu.');

		$form->addSubmit('save', 'Save')
			->setAttribute('class', 'default')
			->onClick[] = $this->albumFormSucceeded;

		$form->addSubmit('cancel', 'Cancel')
			->onClick[] = $this->formCancelled;

		return $form;

	public function albumFormSucceeded($button)
		$values = $button->getForm()->getValues();
		$id = (int) $this->getParameter('id');
		if ($id) {
			$this->flashMessage('Ban bol upravený.');
		} else {
			$this->flashMessage('Ban bol pridany.');

	protected function createComponentDeleteForm()
		$form = new Form;
		$form->addSubmit('cancel', 'Cancel')
			->onClick[] = $this->formCancelled;

		$form->addSubmit('delete', 'Delete')
			->setAttribute('class', 'default')
			->onClick[] = $this->deleteFormSucceeded;

		return $form;

	public function deleteFormSucceeded()
		$this->flashMessage('Ban bol zmazany!');

	public function formCancelled()

	public function searchsucceeded($form)
		$values = $form->getValues();
		//$this->banned->findAll()->select('*')->where("name LIKE ?", "%$searchword%");
		//$this->template->searchresult = $searchresult;

    protected function createComponentSearchForm()
		$defaults = array('name' => $this->search);

 		$form = new Form;
        $form->addText('name', 'Vlož nick hráča')->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Vyhľadať ban...vložte nick hráča');
        $form->addSubmit('search', 'Hľadať');
        $form->onSuccess[] = callback($this, 'searchsucceeded');
        return $form;


Editoval Andurit (22. 12. 2013 23:16)

Člen | 535

Ve kterém souboru a na které řádce to hlásí tu chybu?

Člen | 131

petr.pavel napsal(a):

Ve kterém souboru a na které řádce to hlásí tu chybu?

File: …\libs\Nette\ComponentModel\Container.php Line: 160

prikladam pre istotu este layout.latte

 * My Application layout template.
 * @param string   $basePath web base path
 * @param string   $robots   tell robots how to index the content of a page (optional)
 * @param array    $flashes  flash messages

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">

	<title>{block title}Banlist |{/block}</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection,tv" href="{$basePath}/css/bootstrap.css">
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$basePath}/css/my.css">
	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{$basePath}/favicon.ico">

	{block head}{/block}

	<div class="container">

	<div id="demo-header">
	<!-- Code for Login Link --> <a id="login-link" title="Login" href="#login">Prihlásenie</a> <!-- Code for login panel -->

  	<div id="login-panel">
	{form SignInForm}
	<form action="#" method="post">
	<label>Meno: <input type="text" name="username" value=""> </label>
	<label>Heslo: <input type="password" name="password" value=""> </label>
	<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Prihlásiť"> <small>Pre zatvorenie stlač ESC</small></form>
	</div><!-- login-panel ends here -->

  	</div><!-- demo-header ends here -->}

	<header><a href="{link Banned:default, search => ''}"><img src="/mcbanlist/sandbox/www/images/banlist.png" alt="" /></a></header>
	{form searchForm}
	<span style="margin-top:10px">{input name class=>'span10'}</span>
	{input search class=>'btn btn-primary span2'}
	<div n:foreach="$flashes as $flash" class="flash {$flash->type}">{$flash->message}</div>

	{include #content}

	{block scripts}
	<script src="{$basePath}/js/jquery.js"></script>
	<script src="{$basePath}/js/netteForms.js"></script>
	<script src="{$basePath}/js/main.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="{$basePath}/js/newjquery.js"></script>

<!-- jQuery to apply actions to the link -->
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
<!-- jQuery to apply actions to the ESC key -->
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 27) {
// ]]>


Editoval Andurit (23. 12. 2013 0:04)

Nette Blogger | 1028

První písmeno malé:

{form signInForm}
Člen | 131

Okey, toto som si teda mal vsimnut sam. Kazdopadne sice sa stranka vypise normalne, bohuzial nezobrazi mi to ziaden formular na signin :(

David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

makro {form} se pouziva pro manualni renerovani. pro automaticke renderovani pouzij {control signInForm}

Editoval matej21 (23. 12. 2013 0:35)

Člen | 131

skvele ide to, vďaka. Možno mala otazocka. Ako tam narvem to CSSko tak aby to vyzeralo stejne jako
<form action=„#“ method=„post“>
<label>Meno: <input type=„text“ name=„username“ value=""> </label>
<label>Heslo: <input type=„password“ name=„password“ value=""> </label>
<input type=„submit“ name=„submit“ value=„Prihlásiť“> <small>Pre zatvorenie stlač ESC</small></form>

David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

pokud to chces mit ve specifickem formatu, budes si bud muset upravit renderer (respektive jeho nastaveni) nebo vykreslit manualne pomoci onoho form makra, stejne, jako vykreslujes treba searchForm

vse o manualnim renderovani nebo upravach rendereru je v dokumentaci