Upgrade z 2.0 beta na 2.0 stable – rozdíly
Upozornění: Tohle vlákno je hodně staré a informace nemusí být platné pro současné Nette.
- chikeet
- Člen | 160
potřebuju upgradovat aplikaci (vytvořenou někým jiným), která používá
Nette 2.0 beta, na stable 2.0. Problém je v tom, že mám zkušenosti
s Nette až od verze 2.0 stable, takže nevím, jak to fungovalo před ní a
kde všude jsou mezi oběma verzemi rozdíly.
Může mi někdo poradit, co si při upgradu pohlídat, případně kde se dá najít nějaká dokumentace k rozdílům mezi oběma verzemi?
- Jan Tvrdík
- Nette guru | 2595
@chikeet: Dokumentace rozdílů pokud vím není.
Připojuji alespoň výsledek
volání git log v2.0-beta..v2.0.0 --oneline | grep -i 'bc break'
03642dc Database: fixed checking column by isset (BC break!)
d1a7cfc Latte: added third parameter to MacroSet:addMacro() for pure n:attr macros instead of using @ (BC break!)
8a410d0 Latte: added MacroNode::$openingCode, $closingCode & $attrCode, changed return value of Compiler::expandMacro(), IMacro::nodeOpened() and nodeClosed() (BC break!)
f142e29 UI\Presenter & UIMacros: layout file is determined only if the template uses layout; (BC break, variable $template->layout is no longer set)
db99f05 Application: storeRequest() and restoreRequest() moved to UI\Presenter (BC break!)
0e6c915 UI\Presenter: non-scalar parameters are not passed to methods action-, render- and handle- if they are not explicitly specified as array type (major BC break!)
ba80a19 Templating\DefaultHelpers renamed to Helpers (BC break!)
afce066 NetteLoader: uses PSR-0 loader, so class names are case-sensitive on Linux now (this is possible BC break)
72cdbef Latte\Parser is renamed to Compiler (this is preparation for the division into two parts) (BC break!)
7066565 User & IUserStorage moved to Nette\Security; IUser removed (BC break!)
f4fb93d Template: removed $warnOnUndefined (BC break!)
2c1d38c Config: getContainer() renamed to getContainerBuilder() (BC break!) [Closes #450]
94d9938 DI\CompilerExtension: changed API, removed $container and $config parameters from loadConfiguration(), beforeCompile() and afterCompile() (BC break!)
d04fb7f DI: getByClass() renamed to getByType() (BC break!)
438f3ef PhpExtension: removed back compatibility support for non-flatten PHP section in INI configuration file; will throw Configuration value for directive ... is not scalar. (BC break!)
6febab8 Database\Connection: removed 5th constructor argument $databaseReflection, use setDatabaseReflection (BC break!)
a2ef2b9 Configurator::setCacheDirectory() renamed to setTempDirectory() because sets %tempDir% (BC break!) [Closes #426]
7b42e22 Environment: improved compatibility with new Configurator, but removed setConfigurator(() and getConfigurator() (BC break!)
e011024 Configurator: use addConfig(..) & createContainer() instead of loadConfig() or getContainer() (BC break!)
a6646b2 Environment: constant TEMP_DIR is mandatory (BC break)
86596a7 Route: eliminated BC break from commit 6987015a92 - strict behavior can be enabled by flag FILTER_STRICT
a17e890 Caching: added method lock() to IStorage (BC break for storage developers!)
7a9dde3 Database: moved through() to related() (BC BREAK!)
e833c11 Removed interface IPartiallyRenderable. (BC break)
7db5f59 Configurator: removed detection of section 'console' (BC break! - this section must be specified manually)
36b3286 Deprecated Control::getWidget() and {widget ...} (BC break)
9d92863 Database: removed obsolete substitutions (BC break)
ac23564 Config\Compiler: disabled support for "own" sections in configuration file. Move them under section "parameters". (BC break!)
a2e5d52 Image: shrinking is not default resizing mode (BC break!) removed flag ENLARGE, added flag SHRINK
a8e473d Config\Config split to Config\Loader and Config\Helpers (BC break)
548c611 Database\SqlPreprocessor: changes syntax for multi-insert (BC break!) [Closes #279]
94585b5 DI\ServiceDefinition: removed setArguments(), arguments are passed as second parameter in setClass or setFactory (BC break!)
19fa06f Presenter::$invalidLinkMode is non-static and set by PresenterFactory (BC break!)
c5efaab Nette\Config: rewritten (BC break) and supports including external configuration files
1d090ff Configurator: sections variable, variables, mode, const and option are deprecated and forbidden. Use parameters, constants and arguments instead. (BC break!)
9abe2a5 Unified naming convention accross framework: "params" has been renamed to "parameters" (BC break)
6987015 Route: filter table is really filtering (BC break!)
Taky ale záleží na tom, co to bylo za betu, oficiálně vyšly minimálně dvě.
- Jan Tvrdík
- Nette guru | 2595
@chikeet: Tady máš ty beta verze z mých osobních archivů: http://oc.merxes.cz/public.php?…