Translation of Exceptions

Member | 22


has anyone a solution for translate the thrown exeptions from Nette without changing the main classes.

For examle the SimpleAuthenticator Class is throwing a

AuthenticationException(‘Invalid password.’, self::INVALID_CREDENTIAL);


AuthenticationException(“User ‘$username’ not found.”, self::IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND);

I use Kdyby/Translation, but i find no solution für translate this Exception text to german with this extension.

regards Frank

Nette Blogger | 1029


it's not a good practice to display exception messages to users; exceptions are part of a method's application interface, not user interface. You should catch them and display your own message based on the exception's code. Translating it will be easy this way.

Member | 395

Hmm.. Something like that? (writen by hand, bud i think idea is clear)

try {
 // authentication
 // $userName, $password...
} catch (AuthenticationException $ex) {
 if ($ex->getCode() === IAuthenticator::IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND) {
 	$messaget = $translator->translate("user.not.found", $userName);
Member | 1

matopeto thanks a lot. it's indeed very helpful and understandable. i don't have the time and i can't even concentrate right now, all because i need to search for online pharmacy because of my health issues. so i was thinking that i could get some help online and i did thanks to you. thanks a lot for everything. might i come back asking you some other questions if i would have any? thanks!

Last edited by Whory1946 (2017-11-27 19:04)