Nette Framework 2.2.11 released

Notice: This thread is very old.
David Grudl
Nette Core | 8139

Nette Framework 2.2.11 has just been released.

  • improved coding style
  • Presenter: fixed signal in POST in ajax request
  • Presenter: added test for initGlobalParameters
  • netteForms.js: fixed toggle in IE < 9
  • Html & Latte: chars ‘<’ in attributes are encoded in XHTML
  • Random: /dev/urandom is not used on Windows
  • Tracy: fixed dragging in Firefox when cursor leaves the browser window
  • travis: migrating to container-based infrastructure

For the details you can have a look at the diffs: application, bootstrap, caching, di, finder, forms, mail, neon, php-generator, reflection, robot-loader, security, utils, latte, tracy.