Nette + ExtJs 5, how to use it together, there will be no router at all?

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 504

time to time appear some try to this connection, but until now here is no solved discussion about this topic

somebody successful in this?

some tips and hints?

Member | 134

Hi, when using JS frameworks with MVC architecture and PHP framework for backend you are creating two separate applications. Your php then just serves the data. (in json perhaps?/CRUD like style?)

Last edited by echo (2014-07-18 14:31)

Member | 504

yes, you are right php is here to server JSON data and to do CRUD,

but my vision is to build form, grid, validations etc. in php, the definitions is build by php

also you need some logic behind the view, i mean, php have some work here, and nette will be welcome to do this work

Member | 134

Not much logic in creating forms, grids, etc. with php when using powerful JS framework. IMHO destroys the potencial. I wouldn't use Latte either. Just CRUD built with Doctrine2 or whatever.

Member | 504

some days i spent with studying EXTJS and realize that creating the definitions is not the best idea to do in php, but still i would like to use services, config, robotloader, etc. but i have to make new router for extjs, the nette router will not work

Member | 504

Hmm i made lot of mistakes, i need nette only as a background of api, extjs will use only API like RPC, so i am building only RPC/SOAP etc. like api (just one presenter which run methods of specified services).

Should not be problem.

Member | 504

The next problem about EXTJS is the directory structure, and versioning, i dont get how to use composer with extjs app, and how to deploy builded extjs application, where to store in git, this questions is still not clear to me.