Nette Framework 2.0.11 released!

Notice: This thread is very old.
David Grudl
Nette Core | 8160

Nette Framework 2.0.11 has just been released and is now available for download. Feel free to update!

It contains a lot of fixes and improvements contributed by 17 authors:

  • Nette\Database is much faster
  • fixed are quotes in sent emails #634
  • added new modifier |noescape and n:name in Latte and improved escaping in HTML comments
  • new Adminer with better skin & autocomplete plugin in Sandbox, now accessible only from localhost
  • and much more (#700, #1026, #900, #1057, …)

For the details about the changes you can have a look at the Github diff.

Backer | 796

Thanks a lot!

Member | 36

Is it only my feeling, or is it now everything faster and smaller? I made upgrade just now, but I think, that Laděnka show me smaller numbers. I guess about 15%.