How can i use geoip2 on nette

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 139

Hi i just want to add geoip2 extension and i think that on nette it will be like service could you help me how to conf on config.neon to work with it.

by the way i downloaded like composer package

requiere "geoip2/geoip2": "0.6.*"
Filip Procházka
Moderator | 4668

If you wanna use this library, you have to define it's classes as services in config.

From the example in readme, I would say you wanna download some mmdb file and the load it to the reader. If you have that file somewhere in your system, you can do it like this.

	- GeoIp2\Database\Reader('/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP2-City.mmdb')

If you have it in your project, let's say in folder data/, you can do it like this: Nette will replace the %appDir% for path to your app/ directory

	- GeoIp2\Database\Reader('%appDir%/../data/GeoIP2-City.mmdb')

Then you can use it in your presenters or other models

class MyPresenter

	/** @var GeoIp2\Database\Reader @inject */
	public $geoip;

	public function actionDefault()
		$record = $this->geoip->city('');
		// ...


Last edited by Filip Procházka (2014-06-16 18:02)

Member | 139

I supposed something like that , thanks for clarifying me the issue