handler to add input into form component

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 60

First of all thanks for previous prompt answers, they really help me to move forward.
I need to add/remove inputs dynamically to/from a form component by clicking on buttons. The true is I do not even know what would be the best way – sessions, ajax, persistent components? It would be essential if the form keeps values already filled in and just adds new input element. This will be a form user can configure himself – i.e. buttons like add text area, add text input and remove this input…
I was trying to do it via persistant component but I am not too sure if this is a way. It does not work anyways…

use Nette\Application\UI\Form;

 * @persistent(form)

class ConfiguratorPresenter extends BasePresenter
	public function startup()

	protected function createComponentForm($name)
	    $form = new Form(NULL, 'form');
	    $form->addText('initialInput','Initial Input');
	    $form->addSubmit('save', 'Save');
	    $form->onSuccess[] = callback($this, 'save');
	    return $form;

	public function save(Form $form)
		// do something

	public function handleAddInput($name,$label) {

	public function handleRemoveInput($name) {

… and the manual form rendered would append <a href="{removeInput!, $name}">remove input</a> to every input.
Thanks for any advice.

Last edited by richard (2011-08-24 05:38)

Moderator | 4668

I think I have what you're looking for: https://github.com/…e-adddynamic

Member | 60

Thanks, I ended up with hacking around with some javascript functions as I need quite customized functionality but I will have look into your solution as soon I have another case for it.

Thanks again.